The Kingsdale Master Cave

The Kingsdale Master Cave is an extensive network of caves and potholes which drain in to Kingsdale on the south eastern side of Gragareth near Ingleton in the Yorkshire Dales.

Entrances to the system include Rowten Pot, Jingling Pot, Swinsto Cave and Simpson Pot. Yordas Sinks, Yordas Pot and Yordas Cave are also believed to be hydrologically connected, with the stream which flows through the main chamber of Yordas Cave feeding in to the system.

The waters from the system eventually emerge at Keld Head, with many of the passages being flooded and therefore accessible to experienced cave divers only. Indeed the Kingsdale Master Cave includes what is believed to be the longest underwater network of passages as well as the longest single through currently known underground dive in Britain. [There will, however, almost certainly be others still left to be discovered..]

[N.B. Please click here more information about caves, caving and potholing in the Yorkshire Dales.]

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